Sunday, June 6, 2010

Southern summer nights.

My Tweet from last night read: “perfect Southern summer night... I'm so enamored by God's attention to the desires of my heart. His love humbles me.”  There’s something about coasting through the hills of Tennessee that invigorates my spirit; it brings me back to summer mission trips in the South, specific occasions when I was so attentive to the wooing of God and my heart.  Last night the warm air and beautiful sunset were the backdrop as we drove out of the city and into the captivating countryside surrounding Nashville in pursuit of the renown Loveless Café.  The drive is about 20 to 30 minutes from our campus near downtown, and that was plenty enough time to be refreshed by Betsy’s parents’ regaling stories.  Nights like that are the ones that warm my heart and make me fall more in love with the South every day.  The Loveless was delightful…home-cooked Southern goodness in the most picturesque corner of countryside.  The atmosphere was so relaxed and homey.  Betsy’s dad told me endless stories about shooting guns and hunting, which made me miss my good friend Andrew.  It was endearing to see Betsy’s parents interact too, the sweet way they joked and complimented one another.  Most of all it was just lovely to not have a care in the world…no pressing time commitments or responsibilities…just comfort food and fellowship.  My heart was completely at ease and restful.  As we drove back to Nashville down Highway 100, hundreds of fireflies lit the surrounding woods and pastures.   It was a night that my heart felt immense peace and joy. 

I find myself thinking about how God whispered to Elijah.  God wasn’t in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but spoke in a whisper.  That’s what I felt tonight.  God whispered to my heart, “This is the life I want to give you.  Don’t you see?  With every sweet moment of rest you feel, I’m washing you with My waves of peace.  Come to Me.  This is Me wooing you, pursuing you.  I want to make your life even fuller than this.” 

I wholeheartedly believe that my relationship with God is a Divine Romance.  Tonight made me feel like I did two summers ago, when I miraculously had the opportunity to spend a month in Europe.  Every day was filled with wonder and splendor, and not a day passed that I wasn’t in awe of the God who opened doors for me that I don’t deserve to even lay eyes upon.  That’s His love and grace in action though---His love is perfect.  It isn’t relative, like mine is so often.  Whether I’m obedient or far from Him, He loves me with a steadfastness that I cannot grasp.  Nothing I could do could make Him love me less.  He freely gives me good gifts. I love that the “honeymoon phase” of my relationship with Christ never ends.  He continually makes all things new and knows the desires of my heart better than I do, and woos me to Him over and over again.  Even in my longing, He comes in with a satisfaction so gentle and perfect.  Because He was broken once, not a thing in me is broken, and more than that, He pursues intimacy with me.  Isn’t that simply wild to think about? 

I’m incredibly excited for what God has in store for this summer.  He’s told me that it’s a season of refreshing, and a time of consecration to Him.   Already it’s proving to be just what my heart needs.  As I look out my window at the skyline of Nashville, I’m blown away by His providence in my life; to think that I have my housing paid for and a wonderful job interacting with people floors me.  Most college students are back home, working hard, minimum wage food industry jobs.  I have a conference assistant job that allows me ample time to read, relax, and rejuvenate in God’s presence…in Nashville, with some of my best friends and an amazing community.  My heart could burst with gratefulness.  What makes me so deserving?  Nothing.  His perfect love sees no requirements.  It just loves, gives, nurtures.  Isn’t that crazy?  His love constantly challenges me to reevaluate my own feeble attempts to love.  Think about it: even if my heart is not set on Him, even if I’m prideful or at times disobedient, God’s love remains the same.  He stays the same through the ages.  Yes, He loves it when I love Him first and foremost and seek Him wholeheartedly, but if I’m not doing that He still loves me the same.  My love for others isn’t like that.  I’m sensitive and easily hurt if someone doesn’t show the same affection I give back.  But God, He just LOVES His children.  How about you?  How do you love your brothers and sisters in Christ?  Are we exuding the same grace and love we are shown by Jesus?  It’s challenging, and humbling to truly reflect on.  As God loves me, I’m learning what authentic love looks like.  I’m stoked to learn from God more and more this summer.  I suppose this blog is just a preview of what is to come…and I hope you will all join me for this beautiful journey. :)  I’m working on my love for others…and trying to love, give, and nurture those around me as freely and graciously as God demonstrates for me. 

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