Monday, April 7, 2014

And suddenly...

This past year has taught me more about trusting Jesus than nearly any other year of my life.

During my senior year of college, I applied for grants and other opportunities to return to Germany, I researched various grad programs and started applications that I never felt a peace to finish, and then I applied for about thirty jobs in Nashville. I graduated, lost my grandmother to cancer, and found myself unemployed, with rejections from every job I applied for.

I can’t recall a time when I’ve felt more utterly out of cards.

I had absolutely no clarity on what move to make next or where God was drawing me, but for the first time since I can recall, I didn’t have a stack of back-up plans.  He drew me to a place, a wilderness where my only hope was total dependence on Him, and I had to confront every trust issue that was holding me back from doing so.

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, 
I will bring her into the wilderness,
 and speak comfort to her.  I will give her her vineyards from there, 
and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope; 
She shall sing there,
 as in the days of her youth,
 as in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.” (Hosea 2:14-15)

What a beautiful and kind heart our Father has, yeah? His heartbeat is to give us LIFE, to make us WHOLE and He has resurrected that pulse in my spirit time and time again. He has astonished me continually over this past year with His providence, so strategic and abundant. With a quiet awe, I have been marveling at His heart for “and suddenly” moments.

I was out of cards a year ago and sat on my floor with a feeble prayer to be strategically positioned as I read through “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson (the best book on prayer I’ve ever read, seriously go buy it).  Something astonishes when you’re out of cards- you’re given a space that you can pray God’s miracles and presence into.  You’re given the chance to see Father God come through for you with His unfailing love.

And suddenly, after months- I was given not one but TWO job offers for positions I didn’t even technically apply for, no doubt the fingerprint of a Father who does what only He can do for His children.

2014 especially has been such a year of “and suddenly” moments thus far, and I had no idea how desperately I needed these breaths of heaven.  I don’t know about your story, but the past few years have been challenging for me. They’ve taken a lot of my fight. And when you feel out of cards, it’s easy to want to numb or escape than to face the fear, face the voids.  As Christa Black recently wrote though, our typical efforts to escape or numb pain don’t fix, don’t mend, don’t heal.  And if anything, our warrior-hearted Father is ferocious in His pursuit to heal us and make us whole. Jesus didn’t conquer death to simply forgive us, but to make us victorious, and that’s what we must claim every time the odds don’t appear to be in our favor. Who cares about odds anyway when all of heaven is on your side?

I’ve just been swooning in God’s kindness lately and I have to share it.  The other day I went to see the Divergent movie, and towards the end there’s a scene in which Tris, the main character, is running through streets of warfare.  Her mom is shot as they are running through streets of gunfire, but Tris has to force herself to keep running to safety. She’s already endured a brutal season as it is. She finally reaches a warehouse after running through the attacks, and she pauses once inside the door, overcome with emotion.  I felt this overwhelming gentleness from the Holy Spirit, and it was as if God whispered, “Why are you so hard on yourself after seasons of warfare? I certainly am not.”  I think many of us, over the past few years, have experienced varied degrees of trying times. It’s easy to beat yourself up for mistakes you’ve made or losses you’ve suffered along the way, but what good does that do?  Jesus isn’t interested in shame. Jesus is passionate about making our Valleys of Achor into Doors of Hope though. He’s passionate about making beautiful things out of dust, breathing life into dry bones and weary hearts.

And suddenly, jobs are offered. Life-giving relationships are orchestrated. Breakthrough is at hand.

I just want to encourage anyone who is willing to take the time to read this that He’s faithful and He's near. When you’re out of cards, heaven offers you its storehouses. And suddenly, out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.  Sometimes in weeks, or even moments. Don’t give up hope! The enemy fights hardest to destroy our hope and joy when breakthrough is nearest- have faith for the “and suddenly” moments of the God who says, “I will betroth you to Me forever;
 Yes, I will betroth you to Me
 in righteousness and justice,
 in lovingkindness and mercy; I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness,
 and you shall know the Lord.” (Hosea 2:19-20).  He commits Himself to us- in lovingkindness, mercy and faithfulness. Unyielding, unfailing.

As I’ve mentioned before, my favorite word is the Hebrew word shalom, which is multifaceted in its definition. It means nothing missing, nothing broken; wholeness, flourishing, everything and everyone living in peace and justice with one another.  This word is often used when salvation is talked about in the Scriptures. God’s saving work is to make us whole and flourishing, and by golly, Jesus has won that for us and He deserves our wholeness and flourishing as a worthy prize! I think it’s time to get our hopes up. It’s time to quit our attempts to numb or escape the pain and hand it over to Jesus, so He can revive us, heal us, and make us whole so we can feel again, love again, fully worship again.  Let God surprise you with His extravagant kindness and providence. He’s more that ready to show up if you invite Him. You are His treasure and He’s ready to restore all that’s been lost or stolen in the warfare, to appoint you with a victor’s crown.

May we sing the song of people whole and wholly loved, wholly redeemed.  

And suddenly…