Thursday, November 19, 2009

His Philosophy on Love.

So here’s the picture in my head: God. Desperate. God desperately YEARNING for my affection, my attention, my love.

And me. Playing with mud pies.

God keeps drawing me back to this C.S. Lewis quote:

“Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

Many of you read my previous blog, “My Philosophy on Relationships.” I suppose you could call this a sequel.

It’s not about finding the “right one.” It’s about finding a vibrant, captivating, adventurous love story in AND with Christ.

Lately I’ve been caught up in this fictitious mindset that once I fall in love with God and get all of these ideas He gives me sorted out, then my love story with a man will fall in place. False. I need not worry about that. I need not even entertain the thought. Why am I not captivated in my relationship with Christ? Something is obviously wrong. I am wrong.

My God is so enthralled with us, His beautiful, strong creation….He is so desperate seeking our HEARTS, our ATTENTION, our TIME. Like we search for lovers, our God searches for us. Yet we come to Him merely when we need Him, when we want Him, when He fits into our schedules. We pencil in our quiet times. We set dates and appointments.

How do you feel when you are IN LOVE with someone?

You want them desperately. You need them. You have to have them near. You think of them constantly. They bring you joy and hope and peace and security and protection and rest. You call, text, show your appreciation. You delight in him/her.

God says “Delight yourself in the Lord…and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

Stop fixating on the desires of your heart.

Start fixating on HIM.

And then your desires will begin to align with His.

I want to be so passionately in love with the true Lover of our souls that nothing and no one else competes for my attention and devotion because He has already won me over.

And the man God eventually draws me to WILL be the same…for it is a teamwork built with the same foundation and framework that survives and THRIVES.

I can’t get this image out of my mind: God with His arms desperately outstretched toward His love, His bride, His creation. Desperate is defined as, “having a great desire for something.” The very connotation gives off a sense of risk, of a willingness to go against all odds to fight for someone or something. That’s God’s love for us. His love for you. His love for me.

Have you ever sat and truly absorbed the depth of God’s desperate love for you? How He fought to HELL and back to win the CHANCE for your heart, your life. It floors me. I find my desires so minimal and weak in the area of love when compared to the absolute purity and fight God has put into pursuing me. How could I not return my ALL?

So there it is. All laid out. Let it sink in: God is RELENTLESSLY pursuing you. And He won’t stop. He won’t relent. He is AFTER YOUR HEART.

Here we are getting messy in mud pie relationships, our lame attempts with our fleeting emotions…when the Creator of the universes wants to overflow our lives with the most perfect, romantic, pure, captivating, wild love.

We are far too easily pleased.

…He rescued me because he delighted in me. (2 Sam. 22:20)

Seek Him first. (Matthew 6:33-34)

Seek Him. He is seeking you.

And let us stop making mud pies---let us go on that holiday at the sea.

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